Get Smart with AI Ethics

Organised by AI Tech

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to finance to education. While AI offers many potential benefits, it also raises important ethical questions and concerns about issues such as bias, privacy, accountability, and transparency.


🤔 What ethical guidelines and regulations exist around the use of AI, and how can they be improved?

🤔What needs to be improved to build ethical and transparent AI?

🤔How can we ensure that AI is being used in a way that aligns with our business/product’s values and ethical principles?


If you are a business or startup looking to build AI ethically and don’t know where to start come and attend and find out how you can apply and embed ethical practices for your AI.


Join us to explore these questions and more in our hands-on AI Ethics workshop from 4:00 PM at The Knowledge Exchange. This event will explore the challenges and opportunities of navigating AI ethics int today’s rapidly changing technological landscape.


By signing up for this workshop you will not only get a first-hand look at the Smart Ethics solution, but you will also get to hear from AI and global ethics experts alike as they spark conversations about the next steps for AI.


Rashik Parmar MBE – Group Chief Executive of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Marisa Zalabak – Chair: Planet Positive 2030 Global Methodologies Committee, Co-chair: AI Ethics Education Committee

Keeley Crockett – Professor in Computational Intelligence at The Manchester Metropolitan University

Saeed AL Dhaheri – UNESCO Co-Chair; Lecturer at University of Dubai; Certified Data Ethics Facilitator

Lameen Abdul-Malik – Founder 100ideascafe; Nobel Peace Prize (IAEA) 2005; Intellectual Philanthropist

Pavlina Proteou – Founder & CEO, BeyondCSR; Member of HBR Advisory Council


📣 You will also have exclusive access to Sherin Mathew’s product – Open Ethics for the duration of the workshop.


🎟 Places are limited, so book now! 🎟

AI & Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Data
21st Sep 2023
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Organised by AI Tech
Knowledge Exchange - The Rose Bowl Portland Crescent Leeds LS1 3HB

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