Digital Regulation: a coordinated approach to overseeing modern digital markets

Hosted by Competition and Markets Authority

As regulatory responsibilities grow, and markets increasingly turn digital, cooperation and coordination by regulators is more important than ever.

New regulatory and legislative initiatives including the Online Safety Bill, the Digital Markets Unit, and Age Appropriate Design Code mean regulators need to be more switched on than ever to the interactions across their regimes, including both synergies and potential conflicts between digital regulatory remits.

Unlike traditional regulation, regulating ‘digital’ brings new and different challenges. The rapid pace of change, number of interconnected and cross cutting issues, and size and scale of the players requires closer regulatory coordination than ever before.

At the same time, it is incredibly important to deliver an aligned and coherent digital regulatory framework/landscape, which continues to encourage innovation and competition, and protect and benefit users.

The Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum was formed in 2020 and brings together the CMA, FCA, ICO and Ofcom to work together on these issues.

In this session the DRCF members will discuss: Why the DRCF was formed, the 2021/22 workplan, key issues facing the DRCF and its members. There will be opportunity for audience questions at the end of the panel discussion.

Business Support Services & E-Commerce, Community & Society, Cyber Security
Digital Regulation: a coordinated approach to overseeing modern digital markets
01st Oct 2021 10:00am - 11:30am
Hosted by Competition and Markets Authority

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