Creating Responsible Tech

Hosted by BJSS

As organisations face the challenge of how to de-carbonise and achieve net goals, BJSS invite you to join them for an online session on creating responsible tech and our sustainability approach. The event will include two short talks: Sustainability by Design and Designing Technology is Designing Society.


Sustainability by Design

BJSS have developed an approach that bakes sustainability considerations into each stage of the design lifecycle and value chain. In this talk we’ll take a look at our unique sustainability proposition and how this can help you on your net zero journey to drive out waste.


Designing Technology is Designing Society

Technology is a part of everything we do. When technologists design Products they make choices that affect many people’s lives in expected and unexpected ways. In this talk we’ll look into what Responsible Technology is and why it’s important to be aware of the affect products and services have on society.


Speakers Include:


Colin Cripps

Colin is a Technology Consultant with a background in analysis, digital design and agile delivery. He is working in Operations Transformation and Sustainability. He has a passion for responsible  tech delivery, human centred design and making sure products and services work for everyone.

Joe Murray

Joe is a Principal Consultant with many years of experience leading complex transformation programmes and portfolios across a variety of sectors. He currently leads the Operations Transformation & Sustainability practice at BJSS.

Community & Society
Creating Responsible Tech
27th Apr 2022 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Hosted by BJSS

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