IP in the Metaverse – Same, Same but Different?

Organised by Gowling WLG

With an estimated market value of $800 billion by 2024, the metaverse is continuing to grow exponentially and the way companies are using it is shaping further development. The evolution of different types of multiverses – the industrial metaverse, a consumer metaverse, and an enterprise metaverse – emphasises both enormous potential and opportunities for businesses in the physical and virtual world. And the border between these worlds is becoming increasingly blurred.

Do the same IP rights therefore apply equally in both worlds?

Listen to Charlie Bond and Lucy Singer from Gowling WLG’s global Intellectual Property (IP) team to find out how to protect your ideas, brands and assets in the digital world.

You will learn about the specifics of IP protection, IP ownership and how to leverage IP rights in the metaverse, with a focus on:

– What can be protected and how?
– What should I do if my IP rights are infringed?
– What should I do if I am accused of IP infringement?
– How can I manage risks and avoid pitfalls?

Creators, brand owners and businesses – seize the opportunity and get to grips with all aspects of IP protection in the metaverse by registering to our live webinar today.


Charlie Bond is a well-versed IP and tech lawyer in our global IP team. Focusing on protecting and enforcing technology brands and products, he advises his clients across the full range of intellectual property rights throughout both the real and digital worlds. He speaks and writes regularly on topical questions around trademarks, copyright, social media and the metaverse, like the recently published article “Brand owners’ top five questions about the metaverse, answered”.

Get his full bio here.

Lucy Singer advises clients on how best to protect, enforce and exploit their intellectual property (IP) rights, with a particular focus on brands, designs and copyrights. She is co-author of our Gowling WLG copyright article series and speaks and writes regularly on current IP issues.

Get her full bio here.

Other, VR/AR, Web3 & Metaverse
22nd Sep 2023
9:00am - 9:45am
Organised by Gowling WLG

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