FOCUSED MEEOW – Leeds Digital Festival 2023

Organised by Meeow

It’s is TOTALLY impossible to navigate your way around a festival as BIG as Leeds Digital Festival and meet everyone you want to, never mind find the really interesting people you never knew existed. You’d wear out three pairs of shoes trying.

This is where Meeow comes in. Meeow is the online networking platform that really gets to the heart of what building relationships is all about – conversation and connection. We bring you together in groups of no more than four to network from the comfort of your own home after a day at the festival. Just click to book your session and slide into a cosy conversation with three other festival goers about all things Leeds, Digital and Festivals.


You never know, the connection you never knew you needed might be waiting on one of these exclusive, Leeds Digital Festival Meeows.

Social & Networking, Startups, Sustainability & Net Zero
26th Sep 2023
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Organised by Meeow

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